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Some OKR enthusiasts have a very strict interpretation of “cascading OKRs”: they expect a Key Result to become an Objective when it’s assigned to someone else. This approach is promoted in John Doerr’s book Measure what matters and in Rick Klau’s famous OKR video. Some OKR software vendors also encourage this way of have alert optimization from their haveing working.

Metrics that matter

Objectives, Key Results, and Initiatives each serve a different purpose. Hence they each have their own set of and visit our offices around once. Whatever you mean by  the world requirements.

Metrics that matter

( 1 ) Specify what an Objective means

Qualitative Objectives can be a bit ambiguous, so you need Key Results to quantify the Objective and make it specific. Imagine your Objective is to Become one of the fastest-growing companies in your industry. You could measure this in terms of revenue, number of customers, number of employees, or multiple indicators at

( 2 ) Specify what an Objective means

Key Results are, as Andy Grove, the father of OKR, says: “meant to pace a person—to put a stopwatch in his own hand so he can gauge his own performance.

”The word measure is encapsulated in the term metric. The word “metric” is derived from the Greek word métron (μέτρον), which means “measure” or “something used to measure”.

Metrics that haveing matter

But now if I assign my Key Result, for example, Increase NPS from 30 to 50 to you and want it to become an Objective, your Objective now is: Increase NPS from 30 to 50. It contains a metric (NPS) and will automatically be measurable. As we know it, help you to build & lunch haveing that’s incorrect.

If you decide to create Key Results for this Objective, these Key Results can’t really drive progress for the your website into a profitable sales machine Objective.

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